VoIP Wearable Devices
VoIP Wearable Devices https://www.voicenext.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/iStock-614981436.jpg 1254 837 VoiceNEXT | Your Next Phone Company https://www.voicenext.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/iStock-614981436.jpgAs we continue this journey of digitalization and improved technology, our attention seems to switch from one thing to the next every single week. At first, there was a website for every single topic in life whether it was starting a business or staying in shape, then there was a blog for everything, then there was an app for everything, and now there seems to be wearable devices for everything.
In case you haven’t heard this term, a wearable device is any piece of clothing or accessory that contains some form of hardware or software. Most commonly, wearable devices are used to collect and transmit data, and this is why they’re used by sportsmen and women who want to learn more about their performance while exercising. For the longest time, there has been debate as to whether these wearable devices would be integrated with Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and the debate still rolls on today.
The Future of VoIP in Wearable Devices
Let’s imagine a scenario for just a second; you pull back the sleeve on your shirt before then using a VoIP-enabled watch which allows you to contact the office or clients no matter where you are in the world. Wouldn’t this be amazing? As we know, there are countless benefits to using VoIP so having access to this on our wrist or in the shape of any other wearable devices would be nothing short of genius.
In recent times, we’ve seen the start of this transition with the Apple Watch allowing an extension to include Skype. Perhaps the most surprising thing about this is that Skype is a Microsoft product but who are we to argue with what goes on between Apple and Microsoft? Of course, this is still in its first iteration, and there are likely to be many changes as we progress, but this is certainly the first step (and an important one at that).
When delayed on a train and still some way from the office, why delay the morning meeting when you can listen in without having to miss a beat? In addition to Apple Watch, we’ve also seen Google Glass, Go-Pro Cameras, Fitbit, and more devices like this so maybe the jump to VoIP wouldn’t be such a big one
Just recently, we saw how this could work with an Israeli start-up named ’N-SIP.’ In a demonstration, they explained how a Chinese Android smartwatch could be used to connect to a functioning corporate phone. Despite not being an actual product or the promise of anything larger, it did work, and the user placed a call to another wireless device using VoIP technology. Considering one device was in Spain, and the other was on the stage of a busy trade showroom, the quality wasn’t quite there, but it still shows the potential that exists within the industry.

The future of VoIP technology lies in its extension to wearable devices like smartwatches and Fitbits.
Why VoIP?
With advancements made in technology and the internet every day, more businesses are entering the market and looking for ways to save money. With landline now relatively outdated and VoIP providing a stronger (and cheaper) alternative, most are choosing the latter even as they grow. Since VoIP also allows for scaling when a business grows, it’s quickly becoming the ‘go-to’ solution so it’s not as though VoIP wearable devices wouldn’t receive interest.
Looking ahead, Google Glass is perhaps the most likely solution to pair up with a VoIP service because they’ve already taken a leap into other niches; some of which have worked while others haven’t. In fact, some experts believe that wearable devices are on a path that ends with them becoming more popular than smartphones. Of course, smartphones will still be used for the apps that require a larger screen, such a web browsing, but many are expecting the ‘instant’ apps and immediate functions to make the switch across from smartphone to wearable device.
Hands-Free Technology
Out of all the things that wearable technology and VoIP offer, the main benefit of seems to be the hands-free aspect. For web conferencing and those who work at home, this is ideal; in fact, individuals could work out and take part in the call or even cook their dinner which means the whole conference call part of the day doesn’t have to get in the way of life. Suddenly, employees have a better work/life balance and their happiness increases. As you may have noticed, we simplified an incredibly complex process here today, but hopefully, we’ve shown that possibilities do exist with wearable devices and VoIP. For businesses looking to save money, this will be great to hear!